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The Asian Century Stocks logotype “百” stands for “one hundred” or a “century”. Referring to the fact that in the next century, the economic centre of gravity will move towards Asia. Thousands of companies will benefit.

About the author

My name is Michael Fritzell. I am a Swedish citizen, living in Asia since 2009.

Why should you listen to me?

  • I have a Master’s Degree in Finance from Stockholm School of Economics

  • I became a CFA Charterholder in 2012

  • 15 years of experience in the industry and mostly within the Asia-Pacific

  • I am a long-time member of Joel Greenblatt’s Value Investors Club

Writing Asian Century Stocks is my full-time job and passion. I send out new insights 1-2 per week. My job is to serve you and nobody else.

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Disclaimer: I am NOT a financial advisor. Asian Century Stocks uses information sources believed to be reliable, but their accuracy cannot be guaranteed. The information contained in this publication is not intended to constitute individual investment advice and is not designed to meet your personal financial situation. The opinions expressed in such publications are those of the publisher and are subject to change without notice. You are advised to discuss your investment options with your financial advisers, whether any investment is suitable for your specific needs. I may, from time to time, have positions in the securities covered in the articles on this website.

Premium subscribers receive over 20 company deep-dive reports per year. These company reports are presented in a digestible format with 30-60 slides each. The reports are generally on special situations - companies not discussed elsewhere. The reports usually arrive in your inbox on Sunday mornings at 12.00 am Hong Kong time.

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I also write thematic reports. These articles are usually released on Wednesday at 12.00am Hong Kong time. These are meant to improve your knowledge of what’s happening in the region and to help spark ideas.

Here is an example of such a report:

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A few of the comments from existing subscribers:

"To be introduced to Asian companies with exciting business models and attractive fundamentals from the perspective of a Western European with 15 years of "local knowledge" is simply unique in this form."

"Good to see someone covering the interesting opportunities available in HK!"

"Excellent analysis on less well covered stocks & sectors"

"Thanks for the quick reply and helpful trial! I look forward to reading the articles you put so much work into!"

"Thank you for all the high-quality, detailed reports.”

"Love the work you do! Thanks for all the amazing business deep-dives."

"Great idea generation, well written."

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Author of Asian Century Stocks. My personal opinions only - NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE. My Substack: