Feb 9, 2023Liked by Michael Fritzell

Section 2.1 is great. Reminds me of the phrase: People don't want a drill, they want a hole in the wall but actually they want a picture hung up. 3M solved this by selling those hooks with removable sticky tape at the back.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

영화 is movie, not movie ticket. Also, you should look at Naver and Daum, Google is not a good indicator of SERP or search trends in Korea.

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I'm using Naver Datalab for search query analytics in Korea. Thanks

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Don't see why you'd look for search queries in a country which publishes precise ticket sales (not just box office revenue) and preorder stats. Market hasn't had a 10 million ticket seller since 2019.

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Search queries signal consumer interest, that's why.

But yes, feel free to focus on the same data that everyone else focuses on and is mostly priced-in.

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