Feb 15, 2022Liked by Michael Fritzell

Hi Michael! I would love to see a write-up on Swire Pacific or perhaps a thematic on HK conglomerates? You already did CK Hutchison which was great.

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Hi Michael, I am a big fun and a new subscriber. Lots of questions, I ´ll start with one regarding pandemic outlook and how you see it playing out in SEA. I am in Europe and see the travel market being ready for a take off (let's hope we do not see another variant). Do you see something similar in SEA soon? If yes, any reopening plays that you would recommend?

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Hi Michael ,

I am horrendously late to the party but can I still ask a few questions like :

1) Which do you feel are your 3 best written articles ?

2) Are these 3 articles also you largest position holdings, if not so why ?

Thank you !

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Michael! Any favorite books that you enjoy reading? Loved the Overlook book you reviewed btw

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Hi Michael, what are your thoughts on using ETF to invest in Asia? Any that you would recommend?

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Hi Michael, how are you thinking about the Indonesian tobacco sector?

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Hi Michael, how high does palm oil need to go until you consider buying United Plantations….?

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Hi Michael, what’s ur thought on 7532 Pan pacific int holdings. Now that it came down quite a bit and the mgmt seems to find SG a broken slot machine that keeps on giving. Esp long term view.

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Looking at Baba and many other stocks, do you think that the Chinese government could damage their stock market even further without any significant reaction from their people and the financial industry? Doesn't the Chinese pension system depend also on the performance of the Chinese/HK stock market?

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What is currently your highest conviction idea in HK?

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Hi Michael, thanks for your answer to my previous question. I have another, although I fear you may not like this question as much! I am very curious, outside of Asia what stocks are you personally interested or invested in? Excluding Haier D-shares :)

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Hi Michael, thanks for the AMA! I'm currently a student in SG who's relatively new to investing and have really enjoyed your reports/monday links. I have a few questions if you don't mind sharing:

1. What is your idea generation process like and how do you filter ideas quickly before deciding to deep dive into one

2. When it comes to corporate governance of SEA-companies, what are some of the key things you look at?

3. What are some of the well-performing value-oriented funds/investors based in SG/SEA (can have global mandate)? Understand that you have published about funds through the "borrowing ideas from funds" posts but seems like most of the funds are mostly non-SG/SEA-based (aside from Apollo Asia, Arisaig, AG (SG-office))

4. What are some books you would recommend reading?

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Michael thanks for the answer - would you mind extrapolating a bit on the hurdles of the fund set ups? I am currently doing likewise - managing own money + writing research - but am wondering if it makes sense to go institutional instead

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Hi Michael, do you invest in companies where the IR material and Annual Reports are in a language that you do not speak? I am aware that we can use Google Translate on PDF's, however the translation results are often nonsensical, especially from Chinese and Japanese. How do you perform your research in such cases ?

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Hi Michael, a few broad Qs: Why did you decide to start ACS vs running a fund or at least working in one? how do you see it grow/develop? what are your targets for it?

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Hi Michael, in November you wrote about 'Six contrarian bets in Hong Kong'. Given the current Omicron outbreak in Hong Kong, I would be interested to know if your thoughts on these bets have changed, and if so how?

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