Bond prices of several Chinese property developers have started to recover. Chinese state banks are apparently lending to certain developers again. And mortgage availability has improved. I wonder if it’s a coincidence that this loosening of economic policy happened right after October’s Party Congress.
You can find my discussion about Mark Mobius’s new book “The Inflation Myth” here. My key takeaways from the book are that 1) inflation is a recurring feature in economies with fiat currencies and that 2) government-reported statistics often understate true inflation. Instruments we can use to protect our capital include precious metals, freehold real estate and shares of companies with pricing power.
Researching Global Stocks Substack with an update on Indian seed company Kaveri Seed (🇮🇳 KSCL IN- US$361 million)
(estimated reading time)
My discussion of Mark Mobius’s new book The Inflation Myth (18 mins)
John Hempton’s thoughts on broker dealer rehypothecation and FTX (4 mins)
Turtles Substack is going back into Hong Kong stocks, mentioning Haier Smart Home, First Pacific, JNBY Design, Kinetic Development, Consun Pharma, China Dongxiang, Asia Commercial and Water Oasis (7 mins)
Kevin Xu at Interconnected shared part 1 of a speech by Zhang Yiming, founder of TikTok parent Bytedance (10 mins)
ZeroSummation Substack with a recent shipping industry update (5 mins)
Investment Talk Substack describing Starbucks business in China (11 mins)
Fun profile of Hungarian speculator André Kostolany (11 mins)
(listening time)
Marc Cohodes on what happened with FTX (55 mins)
Smartkarma discussing Fu Shou Yuan, Renesas and Hero Motocorp (5 mins)
Skift Podcast on Google’s plans for the online travel industry (29 mins)
Professor Ramon Pacheco Pardo on South Korea’s economic rise (41 mins)
HSBC economist Yun Liu on growth in Malaysia and Vietnam (12 mins)
Business Wars: The story of the competition between Toyota vs Honda (42 mins)
Harry Kupperman on energy stocks especially offshore oil & gas (11 mins)
Thank you for reading!
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