I know it's such a small aspect, but those section break line images are so clean

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Ah. Thanks. Yeah, adding customized line breaks can help differentiate the publication

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Thank you for an interesting piece. Any thoughts on etfs focused on India? There are several and this economy will at some point pull together. As such it would be good to have a place now rather than later. In that respect, the Indian economy is considerably larger than that of Pakistan and am not sure why you would focus on it but the fund itself might be better managed. Thanks again.

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Hi! It's a very expensive market. I suggest you speak to your financial adviser to understand what options are out there.


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P.S. not IND but INDY. Thanks also the link you posted. Appreciated. SC

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thanks the reply. I've already made selections. Most financial advisors have limited scope of experience and none that I've met understand Asia well. As a result, I am left to doing it myself which is why I asked. You might want to look at IFN and IND for starters .Good luck sc

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Regulation prevents me from providing advice. I hope you understand. Thanks

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Not a problem. I enjoy reading your reports. India has been a point of interest as there are many successful Indians in U.S. industry but the development of the domestic economy has been slow. At some point this will change. Keep up your efforts. best SC

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Many emerging market or country specific ETFs are fatally flawed. e.g. years ago, the Vietnam ETF was using Thai stocks (e.g. Minor Food Group etc) as proxies b/c the big P/E funds controlled most of the shares on the limited-lightly traded local Vietnam market. Thailand is NOT a proxy for Vietnam as they have a whole another set of risks (political, natural as in floods etc etc)...

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💯 I totally agree. Always go through the list of constituents and think about the sector and geographical allocation.

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And most big South African, Thai etc companies operate regionwide... The one benefit of an ETF will be the fees should be much lower than on a managed or closed-end product who's constituents may be the same and returns-risk may or may not be better...

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Absolutely. I personally like Vanguard funds since they enable you to get very diversified exposure quickly. For emerging markets, you might as well go with an active value fund. (That's my personal opinion, not that of Asian Century Stocks.)

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