The Investment Moats blog on Chinese brokerage firm Futu (🇨🇳 FUTU US- US$6.1 billion), though unfortunately it does not address the regulatory risk
(estimated reading time) ($ = behind paywall)
A recap of my 30 deep dives published in 2022 (23 mins) ($)
For fun: my three personal predictions for 2023 (3 mins) ($)
Reuters: What investors watch out for in emerging markets in 2023 (4 mins)
Harris Kupperman’s 2022 position review (10 mins)
Pinecone Macro with a nuanced view on the impact of China’s reopening (2 pgs)
Journalist Wang Xiangwei on the CCP’s shift with the private sector (6 mins)
Japan Optimist Substack with potential surprises for 2023 (6 mins)
Top Down Charts: Best charts of 2022 (7 mins)
(listening time)
Strategist Warren Pies: In 2023, inflation will fall off a cliff (58 mins)
Robert Cialdini on how we get tricked out of our money (36 mins)
Smartkarma’s Gauri Anand with her top Indian stock picks (41 mins)
Josh Kurlantzick discussing his book on CCP influence campaigns (39 mins)
Thank you for reading 🙏
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Disclaimer: Asian Century Stocks uses information sources believed to be reliable, but their accuracy cannot be guaranteed. The information contained in this publication is not intended to constitute individual investment advice and is not designed to meet your personal financial situation. The opinions expressed in such publications are those of the publisher and are subject to change without notice. You are advised to discuss your investment options with your financial advisers, including whether any investment suits your specific needs. From time to time, I may have positions in the securities covered in the articles on this website.