Monday morning links
Anicom, the automotive chip crisis, Jeff Gundlach, Stan Druckenmiller, Chris Redl
I spent much of last week writing a commentary on the automotive chip shortage and how it will affect the auto industry. There is compelling evidence that the chip shortage is finally easing. This will impact both auto OEMs and parts suppliers, with some benefitting and others not. Also, check out Smartkarma’s Chris Redl’s video on the same topic, published last Friday.
The other major news is that Hong Kong has scrapped mandatory hotel quarantine for overseas arrivals, starting from 26 September. PCR tests will also be needed on arrival for several days afterwards, together with three days of self-monitoring, during which visitors cannot visit bars or restaurants. While this quite mean open borders yet for Hong Kong, it’s a step forward in its recovery from COVID-19.
The Global Stock Picking Blog wrote about Japanese pet insurance company Anicom (8715 JP- US$333 million)
(estimated reading time) ($ = behind a paywall)
Variant view: The automotive chip crisis is over (13 mins) ($)
Eastspring: The case for Japanese stocks (5 mins)
The Bretton Goods Substack on pushbacks on economic reforms from elites within developing countries (13 mins)
In Japan, start-up culture is starting to emerge (h/t: The Diff) (7 mins)
Joachim Klement: Narcissistic fund managers perform badly (2 mins)
Adam Tooze on debt levels and risks of economic crises in South Asia (19 mins)
Peterson Institute: Uncoordinated monetary policies risk a historic global slowdown (6 mins)
(listening time)
Smartkarma’s Chris Redl on the automotive chip shortage (26 mins)
Jeffrey Gundlach believes a global recession is coming in 2023 (28 mins)
A rare interview with Stan Druckenmiller on his career, life and a few comments on the Chinese economy (1:09 hours)
Steve Romick of FPA discusses where he sees value right now (48 mins)
Brent Johnson of Santiago Capital believes there will be sovereign debt crises in emerging markets, including in China (25 mins)
Adam Rodman of Segra Capital on the coming nuclear renaissance, from the 12 min mark onwards (1:42 hours)
Yours truly spoke with the Compounding Curiosity podcast about creating content for a living (39 mins)
Thank you for reading!
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This piece of mine might interest you: Fundsmith Emerging Equities Trust plc (a British emerging market fund run by a well known British fund manager who is focused on growth stock investing) will be liquidating. The fund was focused on emerging market consumer stocks (names you would recognize and many are actually good stocks, just not good timing...) and had bet big on India when the market prefers China - among other issues...:
When Emerging Market Growth Stock Investing Fails: Fundsmith Emerging Equities Trust plc to Liquidate
Terry Smith's ("the English Warren Buffett") mature growth stock investing style hit some snags when applied to emerging markets as he prepares to liquidate his Fundsmith Emerging Equities Trust plc.