($ = behind a paywall)
Asian Century Stocks on Australian communications compny and metal detector producer Codan (🇦🇺 CDA AU- US$482 million) ($)
Investor Insights Asia on the Hong Kong-listed main entity of Chinese auto producer Geely (🇭🇰 175 HK- US$11.9 billion)
(estimated reading time) ($ = behind a paywall)
Asian Century Stocks with a 2022 update on Dairy Farm Int’l (14 mins) ($)
Doug O'Laughlin with a thought-provoking post on new consumer trends (9 mins)
Global Stock Picking blog with his latest portfolio review (9 mins)
The Profit Hunting blog on how he’s betting on a China re-opening (2 mins)
Murray Hunter on Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia’s new prime minister (3 mins)
Calafia Beach Pundit: The Fed pivots—finally! (7 mins)
(listening time)
Yours truly spoke with Andrew Rangeley about Casio Computer (35 mins)
Russell Clark: Is it time to short 30-year US Treasuries? (10 mins)
Jonathan Silverman of To Eleven Capital on investing in Japan (32 mins)
The Economist on Indonesian reforms and battery supply chains (40 mins)
Eugene Park on his new book Korea’s History (34 mins)
Gideon Rachman on the golden age of dictatorships (1 hour)
Jim Chanos on crypto, tech and fraud (37 mins)
Frank Brosens on his career with Bob Rubin and running a hedge fund (56 mins)
Thank you for reading!
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